Thursday, January 15, 2009

Gourmet recipes - Easy and sappy dessert

Recipe products

3 eggs+1 yolk
a pinch of salt
70 ml vegetable oil
250 ml yogurt
320 g cherry jam
0.4 g vanilla(2 packets)
9 g baking powder
180 g white flour
10 g poppy-seeds
Butter for smearing of the tray

Beat eggs and yolk to foam and add a pinch of salt. Add vegetable oil while stirring then add yogurt. Add cherry jam and stir actively. Sift flour with vanilla and baking powder. Sift again while adding to the mixture. Stir with wooden spoon. Smear a tray(30cm length to 22 cm width) with butter. Sprinkle equally with poppy-seeds. Pour the mixture above. Bake in preheated to 180 degrees Celsius (356 degrees Fahrenheit) oven on middle grate for 35-40 minutes. Check whether it is ready using wooden skewer. Upturn and cut into small cubes when it cools down.

gourmet recipes - Easy and sappy dessert

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